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Meeting of the Group of Model Theorists

Current organiser: Aris Papadopoulos

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Zaniar Ghadernezhad (University of Buckingham)

, 3.00 PM

Location: Roger Stevens LT23 (8.23)
Title: Algebraic minimality of automorphism groups of countable homogeneous structures
NOTE location change: Roger Stevens LT23 (8.23)

Permutation groups of a countable set are Hausdorff topological groups with the pointwise convergence topology. A Hausdorff topological group G is minimal if every bijective continuous homomorphism from G to another Hausdorff topological group is a homeomorphism. The Zariski topology is defined in a natural way for any group. However, a permutation group with the Zariski topology is not necessarily a topological group. When the Zariski topology is a topological group then it is minimal. In this talk we investigate the Zariski topology for the automorphism groups of some countable homogeneous structures. This is a joint work with Javier de la Nuez González.

Pablo Andújar Guerrero (Leeds)

, 3:00 PM

Location: MALL 1
Title: Distality

Distality was introduced by Pierre Simon in 2012 as a property of NIP theories which captures "pure instability". It encompasses weakly o-minimal structures, the field of $p$-adics, and Presburger Arithmetic. We present the definitions of distality and distal cell decomposition. We describe recent applications of distal cell decomposition, and discuss an open problem.

Rory Ainslie (University of Leeds)

, 3:00 PM

Location: MALL 1
Title: M.e.c. limits of homogeneous structures

In this talk, I aim to give a glimpse into the study of m.e.c. limits, especially those of homogeneous structures. This is centred upon a conjecture of MacPherson, Steinhorn, Anscombe, and Wolf, that a homogeneous structure has a m.e.c. limit if and only if it is stable. I’ll give some background, talk through some examples and outline a novel method of tackling this question for certain unstable homogeneous structures.

Olzhas Umbetbayev (Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, Almaty)

, 1:30 PM

Location: MALL 1
Title: Non-essential expansion of small theory and number of countable non-isomorphic models

NOTE date and time change: Thu 1.30pm


A. Let $T$ be a small theory, $p\in S(T)$ be a non-isolated type, $T_1:= T\cup p(\bar c)$ be a non-essential expansion. There are examples of small theories 1-2 such that:

$I(T, \omega)< \omega$, $I(T_1, \omega) = \omega$. (R. Woodrow, M.Peretyat'kin).
$I(T,\omega)= \omega$, $I(T_1, \omega)< \omega$ (B. Omarov)
Question. Is there a small theory such that $I(T, \omega) =2^{\omega}$, $I(T,\omega)\leq \omega$?

We discuss the usage of constant expansion on research of Vaught Conjecture.

B. Let $\mathfrak M$ be a model of a theory $T$. A finite diagram (S. Shelah) of $\mathfrak M$ is the collection of all $\emptyset$-definable complete types that are realized in $\mathfrak M$:

$$\mathcal D(\mathfrak M)=\{p\in S(T)\ |\ \mathfrak M\models p\}.$$

A dowry of a set $B\subseteq M$ is the following collection:

$$\mathcal D(B)=\{p\in S(T)\ | \text{ there exist }\mathfrak M\models T \text{ and } \bar b\in B \text{ such that } \bar b\in p(\mathfrak M)\}.$$

Conjecture. If $|\{ \mathcal D(\mathfrak M) \mid \mathfrak M\models T\}| >\omega$, then $|\{ \mathcal D(\mathfrak M) \mid \mathfrak M\models T\}| =2^{\omega}$, and, consequently, $I(T,\omega)= 2^{\omega}$.

Question. Let $P:=\{p_n\in S(T) \mid n<\omega\}$, $Q:=\{q_n\in S(T) \mid n <\omega\}$ be two families of non-isolated types such that for every $n<\omega$ there exists $\mathfrak M_n$ is realized first $n$ types from $P$ and is omitted first $n$ types from $Q$. Do there exist a countable model $\mathfrak M$ of $T$, such that it realizes each type from $P$ and omits each type from $Q$?

The criterion for the existence of such a theory will be shown.

Esther Elbaz (Paris)

, 3:00 PM

Location: MALL 1
Title: Is o-minimality of the open-core an elementary property?

Let $M$ be a structure endowed with a dense linear order without endpoints. Its open-core is its reduced generated by the collection of all of its open definable sets (in any Cartesian power of $M$). We prove that the property of having an o-minimal open core isn't elementary. This is a joint work with Alexi Block-Gorman.