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Ibrahim Mohammed (University of Leeds)

Models and Sets Seminar
Wednesday 12 May 2021

Hyperlogarithmic contraction groups

Contraction groups are a model theoretic structure introduced by F.V Kuhlmann to help generalise the global behaviour of the logarithmic function on a non-archimedean field. They consist of an ordered abelian group augmented with a map called the contraction which collapses entire archimedean classes to a single point. Kuhlmann proved in his paper that the theory of a particular type of contraction group had quantifier elimination and was weakly o-minimal (so every definable set is the finite union of convex sets and points).

We can go further and ask how a hyperlogarithmic function behaves globally on a non-archimedean field. A hyper logarithm is the inverse of a trans exponential, which is any function that grows faster than all powers of $\exp$. From an appropriate field equipped with a hyperlogarithm, we get a new type of structure with two contraction maps, which we will call 'Hyperlogarithmic contraction groups'. In this talk I will show how the proof for Q.E and weak o-minimality given by Kuhlmann can be adapted to show that Hyperlogrithmic contraction groups also have these properties.